
Well, progress on my game has been slow. I started work on it, believing that I wanted it to more fall into the boomer shooter style of FPS, but with how over-saturated that market currently is in the indie game scene, combined with my love of the “Half-Life” games, I’ve realized that I would rather make something more similar to “Half-Life”, than to “Doom” or “Quake”, like a lot of these other recent indie FPS games. But with that, has come a need for me to retool what I’ve already made. I need to re-balance my game around reloading, and I’m not sure if I should have the player run at full speed and then walk while holding shift, or vice versa. Combine that with me still lacking any real polish on my enemy AI, and a lot of huge movies coming out recently, meaning I’m being given more hours at my theater job, and progress has slowed down significantly. But that doesn’t mean the game is abandoned. It’s just that life keeps happening, so it’s not happening as quickly as I’d like. However, I have made progress on my book. I write about half a page during my breaks at work, if I’m not too exhausted. So that’s good, at least.