
We just finished our first sprint for the semester. It was only a week, but we managed to get a lot done. But guess what? Another group wound up having basically the same game as ours, only ours was 3D, and theirs was a 2.5D top-down.

So that was really funny. I don’t think anyone outside of our group got the joke, though.

Anyways, we realized that we needed to do some serious self-reflection as a group. So we did that for the last 15 minutes of class, and then we did even more on Discord around 5:30.

It took us like 2 hours to come up with a game concept we could all get behind, this time, when it only took us a few minutes before.

I can’t tell if this means we failed in our goal of working together better, or if the new ideas we had were just that good. I’d like to think it’s the second one.


So, the school year is off to a good start. I’ve been working on a physics-based movement system game for one class. I call it QWERT, hopefully I’ll be able to add it to this site soon. I’ve included a link to a promotional image I’ve made for the game with the existing assets I have for it, at the bottom of this blog post.

And I’m also working on a group project. We’ve already had our first meeting, and we’ve decided that we’re going to make a soccer game with planes. I was given the task of making a list of stretch goals for us, but I felt that, that wasn’t enough work on my part, so I made a prototype for the goal post our game might use. I made animations and code for it.

I’ve gotten probably 6 hours of work into both of these projects so far, so 12 hours in total. I’m writing this right before a huge snowstorm is about to hit, so I probably don’t have much more time to work before I gotta get back to my dorm.



I’m currently on Winter break for the year. I had a great semester. Got a GPA of 3.13, so that’s nice.

I’ve also been playing through GTA San Andreas again. The amount of stuff you can just never see in that game, if you only follow the story, is amazing. But then again, there’s also not really much incentive to do anything outside of the story.

I’ve also just gotten back from helping my Grandma clean out her basement again. That was nice.

I should be getting back to school on the 13th, and should be getting back into classes by the 14th.