
So, the school year is off to a good start. I’ve been working on a physics-based movement system game for one class. I call it QWERT, hopefully I’ll be able to add it to this site soon. I’ve included a link to a promotional image I’ve made for the game with the existing assets I have for it, at the bottom of this blog post.

And I’m also working on a group project. We’ve already had our first meeting, and we’ve decided that we’re going to make a soccer game with planes. I was given the task of making a list of stretch goals for us, but I felt that, that wasn’t enough work on my part, so I made a prototype for the goal post our game might use. I made animations and code for it.

I’ve gotten probably 6 hours of work into both of these projects so far, so 12 hours in total. I’m writing this right before a huge snowstorm is about to hit, so I probably don’t have much more time to work before I gotta get back to my dorm.
