
Well, this could be better. The coronavirus, thankfully, hasn’t spread to anyone I know. But outside of that, it’s basically shut down the whole country.

My college was also closed during spring break. My spring break got extended by two weeks, and now classes will be online for the foreseeable future.

Sadly, this leaves me unable to give any meaningful updates on my team’s progress. A lot of my team all live in the same off-campus dorm, so they’re all able to work together, but I’m not close to any of my team. Plus, my lead role was QA, and we’ve all been asked to keep out of large groups, so even ignoring my personal lack of a VR headset, this makes it impossible to do my job.

Now, I absolutely cannot complain, and I’m not. I’m simply explaining what the situation is, and why I don’t really have any updates. My team is trying to find something for me to do, as I’m typing this. My main concern is obviously all the poor people who’ve gotten the disease, and I pray they get well soon.

Anyways, stay healthy, and stay safe.