
I’ve been doing my best to integrate into my new team, and things seem to be going well.

We had our first class on Thursday, and then we had our first real team meeting on Friday, where we discussed the current state of the game, among various other things, to give me and the other new team additions a better idea of where the game stands, and where we plan to take it. After that, we all broke off into groups based on what we’ll be doing for the team.

I was put into the group for QA, which only consisted of me, and two other people. The fact that they’ve put me in this position, right off the bat, must mean that they know about my QA track record. Or, maybe it’s because I was the only new member to put that in their team resume. But regardless, this is a great position for me, and I’m sure I’ll do it well.

But of course, I’m also still a designer, so I made sure to talk to the lead designer after the meeting, to get a summary of what they discussed, since I couldn’t be in both discussions at once.

After that, I spent most of yesterday and today doing my homework for Monday, and working on getting us signed up for Monday QA. We as a team have decided to test the waters with Monday QA for the time being. Our class is on Thursday, which makes QA a little impracticable, since the QA sessions are on Monday’s Thursdays, and Saturdays. You would think the Thursday one would be great, but Thursday is when a new sprint starts, and going to QA at the very start of a sprint is inconvenient in a lot of ways.

But we’ll see how things go. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do together as a team.