
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. I’ve been pretty busy this summer. I did manage to get some work done on my latest game here and there, but I’ve mainly been helping around the house. Cutting down trees, painting the shed, helping my grandmother do some cleaning around her house, etc. So I’ve been very busy these last few months. But again, I did manage to update my latest game a small bit. I’ve been working on adding a dialogue system, new animations and more in-depth fighting. Nothing too grand at the moment, but I do hope to make more grand improvements when I get the chance.

However, none of this is even close to being done yet, and I don’t know if it will be anytime soon. I’m heading back to school in less than a week, and then I start Capstone, which is going to consume all of my free time. So, unfortunately progress on my game will be halted for the foreseeable future. But I am looking forward to Capstone, I think it will be very fun, working with a team on a game again. I really enjoyed that last year. I’ll probably start posting here more often again, once that happens, since there will be more game related things to talk about.