
A lot has happened since my last post.

My team has entered what I would describe as “panic mode”. Our teacher has told us that he’s genuinely worried about our ability to finish our game in the time we have left.

As I’ve said before, I’m not worried about us finishing on time. I’ve done far more in much less time. What I am worried about, however, is the health of my teammates. One of our artists was recently told by the doctor that he had a benign tumor. How am I supposed to think about anything other than his well being? He’s a really good friend.

I want to always ask how he’s doing, but I don’t want to keep reminding him of it.

Speaking of which, I had a talk with one of our group leaders and two others. Up until now, I hadn’t really asserted my need for written feedback on the story, as i didn’t want to annoy my teammates, but after receiving my peer evaluation, I decided I’d had enough.

Several people said that I “didn’t listen to feedback”, or “rarely implemented feedback”. This was blatantly absurd, several people in our team hadn’t even read my story until this week!

No one outside of the other designers has ever given me feedback, and even then, they only give me verbal feedback, which I sometimes forget because I can’t write it down, due to me trying to keep off my phone during meetings, as a criticism I got after the first peer review.

So I asked “what feedback?” How am I supposed to implement feedback I’m never given?! I’ve asked for feedback several times, and I’m never given any! I can’t iterate if I’m not told what’s wrong!

And my teammates who stuck around to hear me out at the end of the meeting totally agreed with me.

And as of now, I’ve finally received my first piece of written feedback during this entire assignment.

I just hope the rest of the team follows this example.

I love everyone on my team, but I see now that I need to be more assertive, or they won’t realize that they aren’t helping me be a better teammate.